Photo Gallery

Photos Used in The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide

Color Photos of Pictures in My Book

Photos to Enhance Your Reading

Below are some additional pictures that were not able to be published in The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide.  I have indicated the page in the text they correspond to.

As my book uses Midsummer Night’s Dream as its major example I would like to share some photos from my two productions, the first in 1990 and the 2nd in 1999.

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Video’s Used in The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide #2

 The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide#2: Activities, exercises and techniques for the theatre classroom See Chapter 8 p. 107 discusses a student driven show. I called our show,  BITS AND PIECES on p.117 and 167.  Here are three examples from two different years.

Bits and Pieces

Robots, Mannequins and Puppets

I taught at the Missoula Children’s Theatre Fine Arts Camp–a summer camp on Flathead Lake near Glacier Park–for twelve years. I got the chance to work with students from all over the United States for 4 days, 1 hour per day. Each year I concentrated on something different.  One year we worked on Pantomime  after playing several introduction games.  Below is the year we dealt with mime activities and I introduced various mime techniques: walk, rope, ladder, fake fights, sign mime, mannequin, puppet, and robot–See Chapter 4 p. 55.  On the last day, I gave them 30 minutes to create a two minute mime using the techniques–mannequin, puppet, and robot–to some music I found on the Internet, free of charge.  This was one of the groups–hope you enjoy.

Choral Reading

Another year we concentrated on Choral Reading, see Chapter 2 p. 38.  This group had less than an hour to work on this piece. I gave them some basic direction and tried to lead them off camera.


This Group had a bit more time to work on their piece but the wind really didn’t cooperate.

Peck’s Pet Shop

After performing Peck’s Pet Shop we had about 15 minutes left of class so the students wanted to do tongue twisters on their own so with 10 minutes of work, here are their two presentations

Tongue Twister  1

Tongue Twister  2